Many thanks to the lovelies who said they liked LT3’s Halloween revamp ^____^
Tomorrow night is the giveaway for three LT3 gift certificates on the GR group, so drop a comment there if you want a crack at one!
Kidnapped comes out next week, and there is a giveaway running on GR for that as well.
There will be another giveaway going up tomorrow for Deceived so for those who never got a chance at this book when it came out while I was self-publishing, here’s a chance :3 For those who already have that first edition, you are G2G.
Many many thanks to those who voted for my story in the Just One Bite contest ^___^ I think I will make it to round two, thanks to all of you! 😀
I see my poll is going to the Monsters/Mythical Beasts :3 Feel free to vote if you have not! LT3 is all about the input of our readers ^__^
LT3 is plotting things for the new year :3 So be assured, you have much to look forward to!
Now back to writing. Bed time, I wants it.