Check out the Less Than Three page! We are ready for the season ^__^ Sasha, the Marvelous Webmaster, continues to be awesome 😀 We will also be running sales throughout the month, and we’re starting off with the Midsummer set.
Next up: LT3 wants to line up some new submission calls in the coming year. We have holiday ideas afloat, but what would everyone like to see in a more general way? These would be for serial, for compiled anthologies, and for themed ebooks collections. There’s a poll of ideas people have mentioned before, and you’re welcome to comment with other suggestions. If enough people suggest the same thing, I’ll add it to the list ^___^
[poll id=”2″]
Finally, woke up to this in my inbox! 😀
*grins* Did you submit the first comment to yourself? Am amused. Author do talk to their characters but in this case maybe it was a character writing to his author.
Voted. 2 out of 3 of my choices are leading. This makes me happy.
Pretty cover and for Book 2. More happy.
We will love whatever you wind up writing!
Mythical beasts , steampunk and bounty hunters! <3 I'd love to see (and write for) all three, but especially mythical beasts! ^__^
Meant to Be's cover is so awesome! <333