I see more and more publishers and bookstores offering pre order on ebooks. Myself, I do not care. I buy my books sporadically and there are too many coming out every week to keep up with them.
What do others think? This is nothing LT3 would anytime soon, we have too many other plans in train, but we could look into it someday if people cared.
So thoughts on ebook pre ordering?
And you can suggest other things too, we like to refine and polish :3
I like pre ordering. Mostly because I can get the book a little bit cheaper when I use it That said, I oonly pre- order certain authors. Unless the book just sounds amazing, Im not going to pre-order it if I havnt read the author before. Things others do that make me by from them- Silver gives extra points for preordering and the points can be redeemed for all or part of the price of future purchases. Amber Allure gives a discount the first week of release and I always by books direct from them because of that. Most others I wait til they hit ARe because every 10, I get one free.
I don’t usually pre-order books because I too am pretty sporadic with my book purchasing. The only exceptions would have to be if it was a serial novel or I was comfortable enough with the author and knew what to expect from the pre-ordered book. There’s also the usual discount to tempt me too.
Honestly? I like pre-ordering, and I like it a *lot*. Not out of any sense of eagerness or anything, but because it serves as a kind of external memory. I can put my order in and safely forget that I ever saw the book (or game, or DVD — I do this a fair amount at Amazon)
On the other hand, if there was a centralized way to track authors and find new releases then I’d be even happier, as I’d get mail (or RSS updates, or whatever) when the authors and artists I track put out something new. This is especially true for ebook authors, who tend to jump publishers frequently, but I’d like it for paper authors too.
Anything that lets me easily track folks who create things I like and (more importantly) buy their stuff would be really nice. It’s a shame we don’t have anything like that. It’d be easy to build, it’s getting the content (and paying for the infrastructure) that’s the tricky bit.
I have mixed feelings about pre-ordering. I love it if its something I want to read as soon as it comes out and am eagerly awaiting. I like that it gives me a definite date for when I can get my hands (well computer) on a book. Also a lot of the publishers give a slight discount for pre-ordering. The rest of the time I am indifferent but I like having the option.
P.S. I would pre-order your books =:)