Midnight, review, ficbits

My book Midnight was recently released through LT3:

and it was given an awesome review by the Book Wenches!

Am currently collecting prompts from the Queensland Flood Auction I participated in. It’s a very interesting mix! After the stories are received by their respective winners, I will post them all here ^___^

LT3 has seen some improvements! The front page has changed slightly, and we now have a coming soon page! If you have not already looked, totally scope it out!

Lastly, I added my latest Sunday Snuggles to the ficbits section, a very silly little short about a knight and a priest :3 and an even sillier Cinderella knockoff :3

One thought on “Midnight, review, ficbits

  1. Congrats for the great review! 😀
    I’m in the middle of reading Midnight now, and am loving it so far. ^^
    And the coming soon page is awesome!

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