Today we are going to be on the road from about noon to seven pm. Friday morning, Sasha and I are heading to GA for the weekend and won’t be around until Sunday evening. We’ll answer emails and such as we can, but replies will likely be slow.
Project Tattoos, Round 2, is complete :3 Samantha got a ribbon added to the key on her left arm. Sasha got a beautiful feather on her left arm (we had an accidental theme this time), and I started on my butterfly sleeve (a nod to Missing Butterfly verse, but nothing as elaborate as Cassidy’s tats):
(this was right after he finished, will get a better pic after they’re healed. Am very very excited, I can’t wait to add more)
If you need me starting this afternoon, text or tweet ^__^
Now I am off to read A Sinner Born, because SYREN YAAAAY
nice abstract butterflies