First up, next week is a double release!
Sasha and I have stupid amounts of fun writing stories in this verse. I think I have approx 500 paranormal verses and I would gladly add another. I love modern paranormal stuff as much as I love straight up fantasy, and short silly stories like this are a nice break from the more complicated verses like Dance :3
Both books are up for pre-order right now, 15% off until next week ^__^ They make me want to go to the beach, but I do not think we’ll be able to do that any time soon because …
Tattoos! I am finally going to start work on one of my sleeves :3 This will be the left arm, and the long-term goal is to cover it in abstract butterflies. That will be a nod to Butterfly verse, obviously. My chest already has the Scarlet crest from Prisoner (eventually it’ll have arcen blossoms too) and one day my right arm will have the runes from Dance verse :3 I am excited to start the butterflies 😀
LT3 is getting to be busier and busier on the matter of cons. We had started out this year with plans for GRL & Yaoi-Con. But both of those fell through, so we joined Authors After Dark at the last minute. Now we have AAD is August, the Gay Romance NW Meet-up, and next year we will also have RainbowCon, Yaoi Con, and will be working to add Ahn! Con and ConnetiCon as well, and that’s just for starters.
I am attempting NOT to freak out about panels. I’m not a public speaker, and I’ve certainly never spoken in such an official capacity before. But if you want to see me stumble and fumble my way through it, I’ll be doing a panel at GRNW and a few more at RainbowCon.
In addition to the cons, Sasha and I are going to see Neil Gaiman in a couple of weeks, all of LT3 is going to an MB20/Goo Goo Dolls concert in August, and Sasha has dragged me into the black depths of wedding preparation for her sister. The wedding is the day before my birthday, Sasha is mollifying me by promising a trip to Niagra Falls (this is another long running joke between us. the rumor mills of the world have long decided we are married, so whenever we go to NY I make honeymoon cracks whenever I see the Niagra Falls signs. I think we’re actually going in August, when we go up for some bridal thing or another).
Weirdly, July is pretty quiet, which is good, because that is when this comes out:
And I am very excited. This book kept stumping me for a loooong time, until I finally figured out the love interest. Once he stopped being a mystery, the whole story came together nicely.
I am doing a blog tour thing for it, so as I’ve said in a couple of places (I apologize for being repetitive) if there was ever anything about Dance-verse you wanted me to talk about, let me know and I shall do my very best. I’ve had one request for the devices and gadgets etc that are used, and I may pull out my ridiculous spreadsheet for all to see, but past that I have no firm plans :3
And for the serial crowd, Dance Only for Me will be replaced by one of the fantasy stories that has been eating my brain lately.
It’s actually one of two stories in this verse, the second is supposed to be part of LT3’s Proud to be a Vampire Collection:
They’re independent, you don’t have to read one to read the other. The world building for these stories has been ridiculous, even for me. My brain lately has felt decidedly overcooked. But after I finish this post, it’s time to really and truly get cracking again. Lots to transcribe, and even more to write.
Interestingly, With Pride takes place three years before Of Last Resort. If I’m not completely fucking sick of this world by the time these two are done, I think I know what story is next, and it takes places several years before the other two. We shall see.
And I could ramble on forever, but I think you’ve put up with enough from me for one day. Ya’ll take care! Have a good rest of the week and a fantastic weekend ^_^
I really like your design of the crest! Whenever I try to design symbol/crest, I always ended up over doing it.
Thumbs up for vibrant tats btw ^_^ I multiple tats too, my favorite is of a phoenix feather.
How did you care of your tat to keep it looking vibrant?
This is the crest one ^__^
and you can sort of see the arcen blossoms on the cover of Bound, I can’t seem to find my template for them, me and my stupid filing systems:
Do you have a fan club that I can join? LOL I love your stories and always eagerly waiting to be immerse in those fantastic universes.
The tats are badass, is there a chance of you posting pictures of the one you have? ^___^ I’m also a tattoos lover. I’m very curious about the crest u have and what the arcen-flower looks like.
I think that is completely awesome about the tattoos.