Various and Sundry things :3


Busy busy busy. I’m not sure what I would do with myself if I was ever NOT busy, though NGL I’d be more than happy to find out sometime.

Am mostly working on two long stories, related. I fell a bit behind (as usual) because of other stuff, but With Pride is nearly done and Of Last Resort is slowly getting there. Hoping to really crack into them next week and finally get that shit done. Between those two longer projects, I am juggling short stories — a mecha story for a private LT3 call, a short story for Wyatt (from Dance Only for Me) and  a Teen Wolf knight AU I’m going to work on for the Sterek Big Bang that starts in a couple of days.

TEEN WOLF STARTS SOON EEEEEEEEE. And HANNIBAL is my favoritest show ever. Between those, I watch marathons of Chopped and Sasha and I are working our way through S2 of Justified. I really really need for Person of Interest to come back.

Sasha’s last day at her dayjob is this Friday. After that, all of LT3 is fulltime LT3 😀

Sasha and I are celebrating with spring cleaning ^^;;; But next weekend I’m going to go see Pacific Rim, cause that movie looks *__*

Have a very busy summer looming. Concert, bridal shower, a couple of conventions, going to a book signing for Neil Gaiman’s new book, and I’m pretty sure there’s shit I’m forgetting. LT3 is busy with travelling and crap from June through September. We’re basically getting done with all of that in time for October, which is going to be crazy busy with 18 vampire stories and three other releases, and then straight into the holidays x_x

Much love to everyone who is enjoying my stories lately! I’ve gotten many lovely comments and reviews on Backwoods <3 And I have never been yelled at for a story so much in my life as I am with Engineered Throne. Even BB did not get me in this much trouble ^^;;;; Peeps seem to be enjoying Jackie and the rest of the Dance Only for Me posse, too, which makes me 😀 😀 😀

In two weeks, my double release with Sasha comes out!

remedybeach Herbs and spices.

This verse began with Quality Control, and Sasha let me steal a character from that book. That char was Astor, and he featured in The Werewolf of Grey Lake Inn. The vampire in Beach Remedy is a cousin of Astor :3 I’m sure we’ll come up with more stories down the road, this verse is light-hearted and silly and fun. I had a blast with my character, Jordan, whom Sasha dictated would be a hippie witch ;3 And so he is.

And I feel there is something I’m forgetting, and it will come to me right after I hit post, but so it goes ;3

Ya’ll take care!

3 thoughts on “Various and Sundry things :3

  1. I’m going to get nothing done on Monday, I’ll be too focused on TW!!!!

    right? giant robots kicking ass!! The rest is who cares!

  2. YAAAAAAYZ TEEN WOLF! I am so ready to not be wearing pants and I might just +_+ from over excitement. Pcific Rim is gonna be awesome, Idon’t even care if the acting sucks cus theres monsters and giant rhot thingies kicking giant monsters asses. WINNING!!

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