Today is Samantha’s birthday! You can get 30% off anything in the store until midnight, just use code SamBDay.
Dracones comes out tomorrow! ^___^ If you’d like a chance to win a copy, visit my post here.
Stumbling Over Chaos is doing a giveaway of Backwoods Asylum here, many thanks! And I will give away more copies next week, when I visit Pants Off, the Babes in Boyland, and World of Diversity Fiction.
Went to see Into Darkness last night, did not get home ’til three, did not actually go to bed ’til five, so I am waking up very late and have a lot of shit to start catching up on ^^; First task! Finish my tentacle story for SMP. I only have the porn left :3 Weirdly, I actually have two unfinished tentacle stories. May try to see if I can find time to finish the second one somewhere.
Of course, I also have to come up with 5,00,000 blog posts x_x So off to work I go, everybody have a good day!
I know you are really busy but just wanted to let you know how much I Love your books! A couple of years ago I came across Bound and Prisoner at Fictionwise and read the excerpts on them, was undecided so put them in my wish list and every once in a while would look at them again, still not sure if I wanted to take a chance on them. Finally they had a sale and I had a little extra money, so decided to get Bound. OMG!! Read it and the same day got Prisoner and read it too! Wow! Just loved them!I am so glad I took a chance! Of course after that had to get everything I could find of yours. My favorite series is Dragons & Demons!! I read them over and over again! I also really like the Kria Verse and Tavmara & Midsummer series’s. I can’t think of a book of yours I really haven’t liked. So thank you for writing such good stories. I hope you have many years of success.
Thanks again,