Friday Recs

M/M Robin Hood is probably all I need to say to make peeps happy. This book is fucking awesome. It’s well established I <3 Kay Berrisford and every book just makes me love her more (she is also just plain fun to chat with). My fav part of this book is that this takes place after Robin Hood's heyday, when he's alone and trying (failing) to move on and such. His love interest is a woobie, and they're ridiculously cute when they're not being hilariously stupid :3 An excellent addition to the Greenwood books ^__^ Read them all if you have not, but if you only want this one you should be fine (though Herne is more awesome if you've read that story already).

Speaking of writers I love to death :3 Katey never disappoints either, and she’s got some of the coolest superpower books on the block. Add that in with angst, deceit, and further shenanigans and I adoooore this book. This one was cool because it’s law enforcement versus vigilantes, and two men with a complicated history. Interesting to see so well laid out where both are wrong, both are right. Cool to see two guys that are far from perfect, do horrible things to each other, but still manage to be together. If you haven’t read this series, definitely do.

And now I am off to write about vampires ;3 Everybody have a good weekend!