Man, it’s been awhile since I’ve been able to do these. I really do need to find a way to keep them up more regularly. Should at least have more books though, I signed up for the first quarter gang bang challenge on MM Romance Group on Goodreads and so far am having a lot of fun. Peeps are finally getting me to read some awesome books I’ve had sitting on my TBR forever.
I had a lot of fun with the first book in this series, but I was SO ALL OVER the second one 😀 I’m a freaking’ h0r for books like this, be it criminals from rival gangs, cop/robber, whatever. It’s an obsession. There is never enough law/criminal fiction for me. If it’s an undercover cop (or fed or whatever) then all the fucking better. This particular series has all of my love, she even carries off the insta-love vibe. Her characters totally hook you, and I am beyond stoked that the next book in the series has the MC I have been DYING to read more about.
The first book I read for my gang bang challenge. I really really liked it, from the time period to the way the premise played out, how massively fucking stupid the one char could be and how the MC handled it. If you like fun historicals, this one is a solid read.
These are three Christmas stories I read that were really sweet. I meant to rec them way before Christmas rolled around, but as ever I never have all the time I hope. So it goes :3
In non-rec news, just so I don’t plague everyone with a second post, various and sundry things:
Storm Moon Press has accepted my short story for their Dracones anthology. It should be out in April, barring circumstances unforeseen. Much love to them for the acceptance; they’re an awesome press and good people. It’s a hell of a lot of fun to work with them in this way 😀
I am running a giveaway for three months subscription in honor of Dance Only for Me beginning next week. Runs until Monday, so if you want a chance, drop a comment here.
In other writing news, due to LT3 dropping a story out of concern for one of our much-loved authors, I’ve started up another serial WAY ahead of schedule and am trying to finish it up. This has put other writing projects massively behind schedule, but I am still hoping that come February I can finally pick up some non-serial writing. Ideally, I’d finally like to tackle Dragon Magic finally, but I may work on some shorter stuff first. We’ll see.
Love You Like a Romance Novel comes out next week. Will probably have a whole long post for that one, since once I get caught up on unexpected projects I do want to tackle Paradise once and for all. As ever, never enough time in the day.
Now to get some writing done, then I am making cookies.
Hope everyone has a good weekend, and that 2013 is off to an awesome start for you. Thanks for being wonderful, peeps!
I’m kind of stunned that tvtropes would lead to my fairytales ^^; thank you for reading, it means a lot whenever someone, anyone, decides I’m worth their time <3
I’m so grateful I got bored one day and randomly looked up fractured fairy tales on tvtropes. That led me to your short stories (I read every free story you have over about four days, while having friends in town…) and now I’m making my way through your officially published stories. I have to say you’re an amazing writer and I commend you for self-publishing.
Once it’s finished as a serial, it’ll move to ebook, all our serials do ^___^
Hey Megan 🙂 Will Dance Only for Me also be out as an ebook or is it going to be only a serial read?