various and sundry things

For those that subscribe to LT3, but may have wandered away, Bound is now complete. It will be available as a free download for subscribers next week, and then goes to the ebook store. Replacing it will be Dance in the Dark, which I posted a snippet of ages ago, and most will recognize it as obviously being in the same verse as Dance with the Devil. Which, speaking of DwtD, it is undergoing a rewrite ^__^ The rewritten first story has obviously been here for awhile, but I am about a third done with the entire thing. It should be available in a couple of months (sadly, I was not able to have it ready in time to be released alongside the start of DitD).

Also, for those that did not notice, I added a story here on the website: The Assignment. It’s for the kinky fantasy community, written in honor of its inception, so please read the warnings before you read the story, as it will definitely not be to everyone’s tastes.

My sister also started a new LJ community, 3 is Better Sex, and I wrote a story in honor of that opening as well. Midsummer Baker, which obviously takes place in Midsummer :3 For those that noted them in Kirby’s story, this story addresses the Withers boys :3

I also wrote a cute, silly little fairytale that is here for now, though eventually I will probably move it to the website.

Next up, I’ve updated the ‘WIPs’ page, since it’s well past outdated, and I always meant to change out the snippets and as usual always forget. Finally remembered. So check those out if you’re inclined :3 Snippets include a mix of stuff unseen before, and things I have posted to LJ: Tarnished Knights (new medieval style fantasy story), an unnamed tentacle story, Speak to Me (a Tavamara-verse story), By the Book (new fantasy short story), The Duke’s Bonded (new novel-length fantasy story), an unnamed vampire-ninja/incubus story (from Behind the Mask verse), and Impractical (an arranged marriage type story).

Also, for anyone who had not noticed, my old book of short stories has been released under LT3. For those that already have it, nothing has changed minus minor edits. Like most other old stuff of mine, we’re just transferring it to publication by LT3 ^__^ The awesome cover was done by Lainey Durand. You’ll be seeing more of her stellar work in the future on LT3.

3 thoughts on “various and sundry things

  1. You are a very evil tease for posting snippets of WIPs, I hope you know that. And I’m such an addict that I couldn’t resist temptation to read all of the snippets. Every single one had me going MOAR, MOAR! when I reached the end.
    Tarnished Knight – OMG, poor Hester. If ever one of your characters deserved a HEA, that’s him! Of course I can’t stop playing my favourite game: guess the romantic interest! *lolz* And no, you telling me that I can’t guess doesn’t make things better, only gets me more excited. Here, now, imagine me bouncing in my chair. *chair creaks protestingly* 😀
    Speak to Me – I love Tavamara stories, all of them. And Kaamil being such flirt, I bet things will be very interesting. *grins*
    By the Book – please to never stop writing silly little stories. I’m already sooo in love with Joliffe and so curious about Tyrka, and will Joliffe manage to manage Tyrka, or will he set the house on fire first?
    The Duke’s Bonded – ooohh, it now has a first chapter, too! I was so intrigued when I read the prologue the first time (probably ages ago, I can’t remember). I’m even more intrigued now. Jethue is, well, intriguing. I’m so curious to find out how they are all connected, Cohea and his Bonded, Jethue and those two he thought of, Sobeki and Oskia. And, and, he has a tattoo! MOARMOARMOAR. *more protesting creaks*
    Impractical – Regency and arranged marriages and the explosion waiting to happen that is Kirian/Thiering = happy goo.
    I swear, the moment I win the national lottery, I’ll play excentric millionaire and pay you for writing stories full time. Deal?

  2. Heh. Trust me when I say there’s not enough of Tarnished yet to realize how it’s going to go ^__^ And Bonded you might guess, but again, one chapter isn’t enough to really start making good guesses. Milo’s story is going to be the last to run in the anthology. Thanks for the comments ^__^

  3. I like the Tarnished Knights story, as with the Duke’s Bonded. Aside from your warning that the first one might not progress as general guess, I still want to try, but there’s no point in saying them aloud now as we won’t get to read them after several more months. As for the Duke’s Bond, it actually is sneakier to predict, as you tell the story from the point of view of the anti-hero, a tactic you use briefly in Prisoner (you narrate some parts from the POV of that guy who was Sol’s brother-in-law – I couldn’t remember his name at the moment) though maybe the purpose probably different this time.
    The vampire-ninja/incubus was cute, even though the underlying angst was still there. It’s like tea… maybe… kind of bitter at the first sip then change pleansant.
    I think I’ve already comment on the tentacle story on your LJ. By the Book was interesting, I wonder what does the Wizard did that the tax auditors did not “dare” to put him in jail, and seemed like he himself does want a personal auditor to clean up his house for him.
    Since you’ve taken down the snippet, when will be the turn for your story in the Happy-Ending anthology?

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