Chaos is officially out today, the last book in the Lost Gods series. It feels weird to be done with it, when so much of my energy since the end of last year has been on it. I was extremely fond of it the first time I wrote it, but never content because I knew I could do it better. This time, I feel I really accomplished what I wanted. I’m very happy with and proud of Lost Gods. It’s come a long way from a first, vague image of men arguing that spawned Treasure, which led to all the rest. Much love to those of you who have read the series, sticking with me throughout as the stories were slowly released. To those who waited until it was all done, I hope you enjoy it ^__^ All my thanks and affection to Sasha for putting up with me while I wrote it and reading it basically a chapter at a time. Much adoration and awe to Samantha for being the one to go through them and tell me all the shit that needed fixed.
Author’s favorite is Burning Bright, if anyone is curious. The entire book is inspired by one of my favorite fairytales, which makes it very special to me. But Chaos is so very close a second, it’s nearly a tie. I really do hope peeps enjoy it, and consider it a fitting last book to the series. If you’ve any questions, feel free to ask.
Thanks again for reading, peeps. I love you dearly, as ever.