Friday Recs & Giveaways

No absolute favorite stand out this week. Haven’t been able to read much, am simply too busy writing. But, I did buy the entire set of DSP’s Time is Eternity Daily Doses so I get a short story a day. They’ve been a pretty mixed bag so far, but two of them stood out and are listed here.

Troy and Aaron Mayer, identical twins separated from the age of two, have lived wildly different lives. Aaron has struggled taking care of their alcoholic, gambling-addicted mother, leaving his finances in disarray. Troy, living with their father, experienced luxury. He calls Aaron asking to see him after years of silence. When Aaron arrives at his brother’s boat, his twin has committed suicide. In his farewell note, Troy offers Aaron his car keys, his money and… his life of riches.

Aaron, on the run from the loan sharks he owes money to, finds his new life is even worse. Everywhere he turns he discovers somebody Troy devastated… including his handsome, charismatic husband, Dave Alvarez, who is on the verge of leaving Troy. Can Aaron turn things around for Troy… and for himself? Or are some mirrors just meant to be broken?

Loved this story. The authors did a wonderful job with the premise, even if I thought it got a touch out of control toward the end. I absolutely adore Aaron and Dave. The kind of book that makes you wonder what you would do in Aaron’s place. Definitely worth a read if you’re looking for something a little different.

Kyle Forester likes rules and schedules, and he loves his janitorial job at Happy World. The gigantic theme park has strict regulations that Kyle knows are in place for a reason. After all, life just runs more smoothly when there are rules in effect, and Kyle is going to make sure his new trainee is fully aware of that. They’ll both get along fine, Kyle is sure. Anyone working at Happy World must be a good employee.

Rory Stafford doesn’t like policies or regulations. Unfortunately, getting a job at the world’s most popular theme park comes with a handbook full of both those things. Rory is pretty sure his new job at Happy World isn’t going to work out, especially after he meets his trainer, Kyle Forester. Kyle is definitely a rule-follower and makes no secret of his contempt for Rory’s rule-breaking. However, after just a few shifts together, Kyle and Rory discover that they can’t keep their hands off each other. The two of them find themselves on a wild roller coaster ride of heat, emotion, and not-so-hidden lust as Kyle and Rory try to find common ground in the giant hamster ball known as Happy World.

On the other hand, if you’re looking for something utterly cute and harmless, this is the way to go. I had a lot of fun with this one. Mr. Rules meets Mr. Fuck the Rules and they’re utterly adorkable. I could have done with the sexual harassment issues that people seem to love to use as a plot device for these sorts of things, but all in all it came together and was a sweet, easy read and I adored it.

Time is Eternity is DSPs Daily Dose this year. Normally I just buy whatever few stories sound interesting, but I figured what the hell, I’d give the whole set a try. I bought the set back in April when it was cheap, figuring it would give me something to look forward to in June.

So far, most of them have been good. My absolute favorite was One Constant. It’s absolutely beautiful, and one of the best books so far just in handling time travel. Loved how it played out, loved how it came together. So, so pretty. Close on it’s heals is 1989 because it was cute, sweet, and hilarious in the way they just would not leave the bar :3 And third favorite was Violet’s Present, because the author did an awesome job with the chars and conveying a lot with a little. I also liked where she ended it. Am rapidly becoming a fan of Kim Fielding, may finally pick up another book of her’s I’ve been dithering over. We shall see :3


And so I do not spam people with posts today.

Joyfully Jay and many other wonderful people are participating in Shameless Summer Blog Hop. Joyfully Jay is offering up a winner’s choice of one of my books, among other shiny prizes 😀

I am also giving away Burning Bright and it’s beautiful matching pendant here.

In parting, have a picture of Seamus, who thinks he is hiding:

Everybody have a good weekend! <3