Ruffskin it out today! It’s a silly little short I actually wrote not long after finishing Dance in the Dark, and then I got so busy I actually forgot about it for a long time ^^;;; It involves a mystery surrounding Peyton Blue, the bartender and Johnnie’s business partner in the Bremen. It also involves Johnnie and his lover being ridiculous, one of my favorite things to write :3
This story also mentions very briefly (blink and you’ll miss it) another wolf that will eventually show up with the dragons of Dance verse. Sword of the King comes out in a couple more weeks, and I’m very excited. It is only the first of the dragon books, though :3
So far as Dance verse goes, I am caught up on major rewrites. I have a few small dragon stories to tackle, and I will knock them out between other projects. Moving forward I have two major stories planned, and one of them I will probably start later this year. The other I will work on next year :3 Clan Mordred is the working title for the follow-up to Sword of the King, but I will probably work on Dance Only for Me first. DOfM introduces a new detective to the mix. He’s a sorcerer, sixty-ish years old when the story begins, and gets dragged into being a detective by force :3
In other writing news, Lost Gods proceeds apace. I hope everyone is enjoying it. Stone Rose is where things really start to go to hell and more is learned about what really happened to the gods when they were Lost. I fucking love this series. Even when I want to strangle it, writing this series makes me happy.
I’m also working on my next serial, Love You Like a Romance Novel. I have not done real, regular contemporary in awhile, so we’ll see how this goes :3 Same verse as Missing Butterfly but different characters. I’m always nervous writing anything involving bands, because I stalk some very awesome writers who pwn that genre and my contemporary is, at best, quite ridiculous.
After Lost Gods is done, I will finally move on and beat Black Magic into submission. When that is finally done, I need to draw up a new writing to do list. At present, the list of possibilities is still open, so if there is something you want to remind me about or desperately hope I will work on by all means drop a comment.
Now I need more coffee, and then it’s back to work :3