At long last, Meant to Be is available to all ^___^ Much much love, as always, to those who have long waited for me to finish writing it and make it available <3 <3 <3 I am not often anxious about a book release, but I admit I've been twitchy about this one. I do hope peeps like ^__^ The next two books, for those who may not know, will be done by a different author. In the meantime, I will try to find time for the short stories I know peeps are waiting on, and began to draft a rough outline for the next novella to be done by me 😀 Somebody emailed me to ask about Something Sweet recently, and it’s short enough and simple enough that I said I would try to do something with it in time for New Year’s Eve. It’s a freebie, rewritten just for the fun of it, and I hope 2012 is an awesome year for everybody ^___^