So much writing to do this weekend, but so much everything else too :3
We are drawing close to the deadline for the Private Dicks anthology. We already have some truly awesome stories, and can’t wait for more, so if you have one finish it up and send it in soon ^__^
The Bestiary is off to a fine start :3 We have a massive amount of interest in this collection. If you’re at all considering submitting, definitely do. It’s going to be very popular, and plots have already been set in motion to make the stories that much shinier :3
Writing-wise, it’s going to be a very mermaid weekend :3 I love Kindan, he’s so goddamn bitchy.
Must go grocery shopping later. Also do laundry. Boo hiss.
Made cookies for my sister to take to work. I’ve poked at LT3 stuff, I’ve made cookies, I’ve babbled to the internet–all this and I STILL HAVE HAD NO COFFEE. CAPITAL OFFENSE.
Time for a latte.