We are heading out for Yaoi-con tonight ^__^ We will be at the Marriott tomorrow first thing to set up and get ready for Saturday & Sunday 😀
I will be there with Sasha L. Miller, and our two First Class Minions London Burden & Brandie Derr (my youngest sister). Come see us in the Dealer’s Room, we have lots of books! 😀 We’ll also have swag, so stop by for that at least! ^__^
I will probably also be attending the Overcoming Writer’s Block panel, run by the awesome peeps of Yaoifix ^_^ Past that, I do not know my plans. Mostly, I’ll be working the booth.
If you want to find us, hit us on twitter ^___^ I’m @amasour, Sasha is @nikerymis.
Now back to packing!
Can’t wait to see the peeps I already know are going to be there!!! <3 <3 <3 I only wish Samantha could have come, but next year!