New book released tonight! A brand new author, she is lovely and sweet and talented. Pick up her book and enjoy the read ^__^
Also on LT3, check out the coming soon page because there are new and shiny things added. My personal favorite addition is Zombie Wonderland, by the marvelous Piper Vaughn ^__^ Zombie Christmas! I know my peeps will be all over that :3 We also have an awesome sci-fi story coming in January, by the wonderful Tami Veldura ^__^ Lots of talented peeps joining the ranks of LT3! We is excite! 😀
October is swiftly approaching, and there are two major events going down. The first is Yaoicon!!! LT3 will be in attendance, selling many paperback books ^__^ Come and say hi, buy a few books, or just chat. I think we will be drowned by the bigger guys, so come and keep us from feeling small! 😀
The second important event is my birthday!!! I will be turning 30! That means I’m almost an adult! I intend to do something special for it for my peeps, but I’m not sure what yet :3
Speaking of things, there is a new giveaway up on the LT3 GoodReads group, and I will be setting up another one here shortly ^__^ So check that out if you are so inclined :3
And my writing blog has a teaser snippet of my Christmas story, which is about Allen and Jack from Delivery with a Smile ^__^
Finally, I bought these two books as a writing reward, and I very much loved them both. The first is hardcore and intense, and the second one is cute and clever and fun ^__^ I highly recommend them.
I feel as though I am forgetting something. Ah, well. If I figure it out, I will broadcast it tomorrow :3 In parting, have a picture of our new kitty, name of Bird. Don’t be fooled by his woeful expression, he’s a punk :3
Yay us! ^_^
My birthday is also in October! Yay us!