Wisdom Teeth Giveaway

As in, because of my wisdom teeth I am giving a book away, not I am trying to give someone my wisdom teeth ^__^

Because I appreciate everyone putting up with my bitching while I’ve been wanting to remove my teeth with pliers, and because over next weekend I’ll be doing little but reading ebooks while I recover (though I’m hoping to be more the ‘recover in a day or two’ type rather than ‘take all weekend’ type), I am giving away an ebook of choice from my back catalog at LT3.

The Details

1. To enter, just leave a comment on this post (on the website, not where this will xpost).
2. One entry per person
3. Winner can choose any book from my back catalog at LT3. Upcoming releases do not count (that’s a different contest). Is there a book you’ve been wanting, but keep putting off? A book you’ve been dithering on? Here’s your chance!
4. Winner will be randomly chosen Friday, Sept 2 at 12:00 EST

92 thoughts on “Wisdom Teeth Giveaway

  1. Good luck with the teeth. I had mine taken out a couple years ago, all four at once. I looked like a chipmunk for a couple days and we took pictures. They are funny now.

    Hope you get better quick.

  2. I had all 4 wisdom teeth removed years ago, what I do remember was I was given the best meds I have ever had!!!
    Please count me in for one of your books:)

  3. This platform is evil and ate my comment. *pouts* Do they need approval?

    Anyway, as I was saying, wisdom teeth aches/hurts are the worst. but what seriously pisses me off is that they made you want for months for an appointment to fix your teeth, which simply shouldn’t happen. It is WRONG. So, um, yeah, your ranting is entirely justified? *hugs and snuggles*

  4. Aching/hurting wisdom teeth are the worst. I really do hope that bloody dentist will fix things soon for you – this long wait is absolutely ridiculous. Months to get an appointment, what the hell? *hugs and snuggles*

  5. I need my wisdom teeth out. Top row grew in fine, but I saw the xrays for the bottom row… Ech.

  6. I remember getting my wisdom teeth yanked. It made video games awesomely trippy to watch, especially since my babysitter was playing Kingdom Hearts. Made for some loopy lucid dreams. BEST OF LUCK! And ooh, lots of book giveaways! But I think I was down for the count 2 days, and playing sick a couple of days after…

  7. hmm hmm i can’t remember whether i’ve commented, but just to be sure, count me in! ^O^
    and many wishes for a speedy recovery~

  8. Hopefully you will recover soon- my sister was miserable for almost a week before she was able to even lift her head (granted, she’s a wuss about pain, but still…). I would also recommend ebooks that have a “read aloud” function, since you might be too out of it to focus on printed word at first.

    Um…. also, please include me in the drawing for your β€œWisdom Teeth Giveaway”.

  9. I’ve never had my wisdom teeth pulled out, but i have had four holes drilled into my teeth. That wasn’t ll that fun.

    Good luck with the whole thing. i hope you get better quickly. Look on the bright side, at least you won’t have to get your wisdom tooth pulled again!

  10. I havent had any of my wisdom teeth pulled out yet. The comments here scared me. >__<

    Maybe you can write the agony of having the wisdom tooth being pulled out to comfort me while mine ( one fine day ) being pulled out coz the procedure is tiredsome and expensive ( thats what my brother and comments said )

  11. It’s being careful of the sockets afterward that’s the real pain of having them pulled, imo.

    Please count me in =)

  12. I wish everything goes OK and as painlessly as possible. I’m postponing removing my own wisdom teeth until I win the lottery XD

    Please count me in for the draw.

  13. I wish you to recover quickly and write more beautiful books. Please count me in the draw.

  14. I had all four wisdom teeth removed. It was awkward the first few hours after the surgery because I couldn’t feel my face for hours. When I could… well, it wasn’t like OMGAH THE PAIN. It was more like, “Oh, it’s kinda sore there… Where’s an ice pack?” Ice pack works wonders, and it just feels good on a hot summer day. πŸ˜€

    I hope all goes smoothly for you and you have a speedy recovery!

  15. I just had mine taken out (one on top and two on the bottom) so I thought I’d comment. I was one of those recover in a day people which was a good thing since the Tylenol 3 made me puke, it seems I don’t have the right genes to process the codeine into morphine so I didn’t take any painkillers. Sadly my face did swell up but only on one side so I looked like a demented chipmunk for a week. I think I hate the fact that food keeps on getting stuck in the giant holes in my bottom jaw (that won’t fill for another 3 months apparently) than eating mush for a week.

    Hope yours are taken out with no difficulty and the recovery is smooth.

  16. Please count me in, there are so many of the old ones that i waaaaaant. πŸ™‚

    I think what i hated teh most getting my wisdom teeth out was the soup I had to eat after. I was not a soup person back then. Plus all we had was tomato which i am still not a fan of. Hope you feel better quickly!

  17. There’s nothing to be a member of, that’s weird. But it looks like your comment worked, so you’re entered no worries πŸ˜€

  18. I had my bottom wisdom teeth out and had stitches and everything but I was eating sushi a day later.. It totally depends on how your body reacts to it.. What drove me nuts was the fact that my jaw ached for a month afterwords as all my other teeth shifted around after..

    I”m sad I tried to enter the other contest and it would not let me cuse I had to be a member… at least that’s what it told me… πŸ™

    Good luck on the teeth..

  19. Having surgery to get your wisdom teeth out is absolutely no fun.
    My best advice:
    -Stock up on meal replacement drinks (everything else will hurt, I promise).
    -Make sure you have someone to drive you to and from the surgery.
    -Be extra super careful about drinking water while you are still numb. You will not be able to feel when your mouth is full and as a result, you will almost chock.
    -Plan where to get your prescriptions and have someone help you get them, because you will be totally out of it.
    -Once home, stock pile everything around your bed and couch, including food, water, entertainment and etc because you won’t want to move once you get there.
    -Be prepared to sleep your way through several days, as many pain meds will knock you out.

    Otherwise, best of luck!

  20. I’m a picky eater in that I don’t generally like mushy foods, so that first week or so after getting my wisdom teeth out this past June was just ARG. Seasoned mashed potatoes (the instant kind) were about all I really wanted to eat though, so I recommend that if you don’t feel like eating ice cream and yogurt all the time.

    I remember you saying somewhere that your body processes drugs weirdly, so I feel I should warn you that even when I was on 800mg ibuprofen I still felt painful and miserable for the first three days. I never took the other stuff they gave me for pain though because the side-effects really didn’t seem worth it. So if there is a painkiller that works good for you, you might want to stock up on it. I woke up crying a few times because I rolled over and there was just too much pressure on my face from the pillow alone.

    I hope everything goes smoothly for you and causes as little pain as possible! Spending a week reading ebooks sounds amazing, mouth pain or not.

  21. Best of luck, and as long as you get a good doctor you shouldn’t have much to worry about.

    My advice is to make sure whoever comes to pick you up brings a bucket with them, isn’t squeamish about blood, and can be guilt tripped into making you softly scrambled eggs and french toast.

  22. Best of luck with the wisdom teeth. I hope you have a good surgeon and don’t have any adverse reactions to the anesthesia. My best advice is to have your ride bring a bucket with them and to eat lots of softly fried eggs.

    And if you can get it, softly fried french toast.

  23. Woooh! Count me in! I’m very excited ^_____^

    And Dude, when I got my wisdom teeth out, coming out of it was the worst part. My jaw started cramping up but I couldn’t do anything about it because they already had me pumped on pain killers… And the drool dribbling down my chin didn’t help.

    And then there was going to school high on vikadin. That was interesting XD
    Hope you recover quickly!

  24. I had my wisdom teeth removed a few years ago, whilst having my jaw broken and realigned at the same time. Hopefully you get through it with a lot less pain than me! Eat lots of ice cream! πŸ™‚ (But yay! free ebook!)

  25. As a person who has been, is, and always will be afraid of dentists, I wish you a very easy time of it.

    Please include me in the drawing for your “Wisdom Teeth Giveaway”.

  26. Hopefully everything goes well. Eat lots of unhealty food and veg with kitties and a good book. That’s my cure all when I feel poorly.

  27. I got my wisdom teeth out in January and got dry socket and it wasn’t all that bad if you get it treated. And, I would love one of your books!!!

  28. I’m dreading the day I might have to get my wisdom teeth taken out. :\ Being pampered usually makes the pain more bearable, though my idea of pampering mainly involves being able to eat all the food I want, so I just hope you feel better soon! :]

  29. Count me in please!

    I’ve had all my wisdom teeth removed too, and I remember how much it sucked. Hope you feel better soon! Eat lots of ice cream. πŸ˜€

  30. Sleep much, eat loads of things that are terrible for you and relax! Hopefully your recovery is quick!

  31. Hope you’ll get to recover from your wisdom tooth surgery asap! I’m not sure how strong the meds you’ll be on are, but I’ve seen people post-surgery (worked at a dentist’s) and they seemed to be just fine and not loopy…? Good luck though! πŸ˜€

  32. Ooh, I remember getting my wisdom teeth taken out! I looked like an enormous chipmunk! Apparently I was so out of it from the anesthetic I woke up cursing and screaming at the dentist. …oops? XD

    I hope you feel better quickly! And enjoy your ice cream and puddings and jello!

  33. I hope you feel better really soon. The only person that I know that took more then a day or two to recover from their teeth getting ripped out was my sister. All my other friends were fine with it. Though I have no advice to offer you about teeth, I can say that if you ever happen to break your foot and ankle in the same fall sleeping for two weeks is the best way to not try to cut your leg off at the knee.

    Hope you will feel much better after your teeth are removed!


  34. Hopefully you’ll feel better soon. You could be like one of my friends who was feeling fine within a day or two. On the other hand you could be like my sister who had a week at home afterwards and then went back to school still feeling poorly for about another week. Hopefully you’ll be the first one. And count me in the raffle please. ^_^

  35. I ate ice cream and soup the day and a half after I got my wisdom teeth out…I admit, one of the really awesome things was convincing my mom that smoothies were the best possible food for me, and therefore she should make a lot of them for me.

    I hope things go well! I was one of the “recover in a couple days” people when I had my wisdom teeth out, though there was a bruise on my jaw that made someone ask me on the first day of school if I had been in a fight over the summer.

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