Peeps who follow me on LJ will have seen some of these before, so sorry to them :3 Onward with the recs!
I read several books while I was on vacation a couple weeks ago, though not as many as I wanted since even on vacation LT3 must be done! ^_^ I’ve also read a few more since getting back, and then there are some misc ones from before vacation. Not that anyone cares when I read them. Anyway, to make a long story short (too late!):
My favorites:
Love love this series. I haven’t read anything this long in forever, but not once did I ever get bored. I reviewed it at fangirly length here. If you want a story to hook you hard and keep you engaged forever (and thinking about it when you’re not reading it), this book is so worth your time. The author is also generous in that she’s set it up to pay what you can afford, for those with tight budgets.
This book was a lot of fun because it wasn’t a lather-rinse-repeat of bandom. I really liked just how normal and human the characters were, and because I’m a terrible person I kept waiting for and then loved the moment when it all went to hell, and of course the end ^___^ A genuinely fun read, and the authors are currently writing a sequel about another character, yay!!!
This is actually a rec for the entire series. I started the first one on a whim, just because I wanted something easy to read and vampire books are usually fairly mindless. But, I was proven very, very wrong. These books totally grab you. The writing style took a bit to get used to, and I think often it wouldn’t work for me, but with these books it sucked me in. It’s kind of a brief, blunt style, but the author does it well–and it really suits the world and chars in these five books. I’m also madly in love with Vision: he’s mostly a secondary character in the first book, but he pretty much hijacks the rest of the series.
The only downside here is that I can’t find more than the first two books available anywhere (a friend was kind enough to give 3-5 to me, but I feel bad because I wanted to pay for them). The first one is free on the author’s website, and the second one you can buy. I don’t now why the others aren’t around. I wish they were, they’re the most fun I’ve had with vampires in forever. If she ever wants to republish them, LT3 is more than happy to help with that :3 :3 :3
Other books I liked, though I didn’t fangirl them as hard as the ones above:
Cherries on Top was a very good, short, sweet read. I had a lot of fun reading it, and will probably get around to trying the author’s other works at some point. The characters makes you go <3 <3 <3 <3. This is the perfect read for a lunch break, ignoring a professor, or right before bed, that kind of thing ^_^ They're about the only books I can read anymore without screwing myself over, and too often that length is hit or miss. This one was definitely a hit 😀 Rory’s Last Chance and Miles to Go are both good reads, but they suffer from a trend that tends to bother me: the summary makes you think you’re going to read about one thing, but the book actually resolves the summary problem fairly quickly and moves on to other (largely unnecessary) issues. They would have been stronger if they had stuck to the initial matter. I liked the first one enough to buy the second, though, and I may buy the third and fourth eventually.
Ralston’s Way Overall the book was cheesy, cute, and fun. My only issue was that the author skipped important things, reducing important events to a sentence or two. A prime example was the MCs’ first real date: a big deal is made of the asking, of the MCs getting ready. Then they actually go on the date, and the author basically goes “They went inside and ate, then got in the truck and drove home”. It feels lazy, and like I was cheated (because I was really excited to see their date). I’ll probably buy the second book, if only because I like to give a series like this a two-book try before giving up entirely.
That is all for now. Between ebooks, writing, LT3, and wanting to remove my teeth, I’ve mostly gorged on Generation Kill fanfic. I love it so. Would do a rec list, and I owe one, but I suck at bookmarking and keep putting off hunting down all my favs again ^^;;;
Peace out :3