First, the exciting news!
Less Than Three Press is going to Yaoicon! We will be selling print books and giving away little things, so if you are attending come and see us ^___^ We will feel very very small next to the bigger names in the Dealer’s Room so stop by!!!
If there is a particular book you’d like to ensure we sell, let us know! We are just starting to really get our shit together, input always welcome 😀
It will be myself, Sasha, Brandie, and London slaving away for LT3. Samantha, alas, will not be able to make it.
So who are we going to see there? ::excited::
Updates, LT3:
I’ve had two ebooks out recently, one a freebie (and which many people have read online, but this makes it a proper part of the Midsummer set), and my new serial is also out:
Updates, Site:
Fiction page updated, and three ficbits added, one DwtD, one DitD, and one from my That Famous Happy Endstory, Looking For More.