The print version of Prisoner will be coming out in the next couple of weeks. Because it’s my baby, and because I love my peeps, but mostly because it’s just fun, I will give away three copies of the dead tree format.
To enter, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post telling me your favorite char/moment/scene etc if you’ve read it, why you want to give it a try if you haven’t. Be warned of possible spoilers in the comments, those who have not read it
Please note comments may take some time to appear, as I have to approve new commenters. This is because of how much spam I get a day. So, don’t worry, eventually your comment will show :3
One entry per person. Winners will be randomly selected using Contest closes next Wednesday, May 18th, at 20:00.
Hmm, it has been a very long time since I’ve read Prisoner — I had read it when your old website was still up, and never did get around to buying an actual copy. But I’ll try to remember.
One of the greatest things that struck me about Prisoner was, beyond all else, beyond the beautiful character interactions and their vibrant personalities, was the way the cultures you have created for each character completely saturates the book. I was never allowed to forget that Beraht held to these particular principles for his own particular reasons; I always carried with me (from the point I began the book until long after I finished) the importance of a name. When you captured (was it Sol? or Iah? I think it was Iah) Iah’s blindness, I was led into the dark. He was blind, and so was I.
Now, to narrow it down to specific characters, lines or scenes… from reading some of the comments above, I know a lot of people adore the scene where Dieter finally, finally names his sword, and Beraht finally understands the significance of his name. I won’t lie, I love that scene, too, but it’s not my favorite.
My favorite line in Prisoner is when Dieter says, “I was to be a wolf for the Kaiser… one wolf that was better than ten thousand dogs.” The circumstances that unfold around that quote — Dieter’s defiance, the metaphorical ice cracking beneath his feet as he faced the Kaiser, Dieter’s unwavering strength — this scene painted itself in my head as something I wanted to be. And beyond that, Dieter’s words just seem iconic.
hmm… favorite characters…
Dieter is my favorite character; when I think of the word defiance, I associate it with an image of Dieter. And when I think of endurance, I think of Beraht and his relationship with Dieter. Neither of them are soft. They are like the hardest of rocks, the kinds that endure earthquakes and the persistence of the ocean and still stubbornly stand.
haha well, it’s Prisoner. This is you we’re talking about — you’re just out and out amazing. Thank you for writing something so gorgeous. <3
Beraht and Dieter’s relationship may have started on a wrong note but they gradually notice their attraction to each other and it was made all the more sweet at the end when they confronted each other and finally showed/told what they mean to each other.
Coming in second are Iah and Sol. These two are unusually sweet in their own way especially when Sol takes care of Iah due to his blindness. It was gradual but they connected quite quickly as they travelled back to Illusor. <3
Beraht. Beraht Beraht Beraht. I loved all of the characters but for some reason, I felt like I actually absorbed a piece of Beraht. Perhaps that’s just because of how many times I’ve read this book. I find myself saying snarky things in inappropriate settings, being difficult, and waiting for my own personal Dieter, and I would really like to blame that on this magnificent book. You know what? I think I’m going to go read my LT3 copy right now. Hoorah.
Sol. I’ve always liked the guy who is crafty and smart and totally behind the scenes. He is the backbone for the whole book. This guy is one amazing character- rich, fleshed out, flawed and very real. I love him, and I love that he gets his happy ending with Iah.
But, I have to add that I think my favorite scene is when Esta finds out what Deiter named his sword. I totally knew she would tattle. lol. XD
Although it’s not a part of the official book, I like the little side story experiment where you wrote the same scene in the point-of-views of all the characters. You really get to see the relationship dynamics between the pairings [I especially like Sol and Iah’s; there is a lot of love between the two].
I absolutely loved when Dieter kissed Beraht to sneak him the arsen. lol, I actually squealed when I read it.
I absolutely loved when Dieter kisses Beraht to sneak him the arsen. lol, I actually squealed when I read it.
My favorite parts of the whole story are in the beginning when Dieter and Beraht first meet. I love that neither of them pull there punches or immediately fall into some sappy “he’s so handsome, but he’s the enemy” cliche. It’s great that this book promises a slow burn and actually delivers. I wouldn’t like it half so much if the romance wasn’t really earned by the end.
The world that you’ve built for Prisoner is what got me interested in reading it and all other stories set in this universe. The different views on life, military/fighting styles, and the characters from these 3 nations are always distinguishable by how they’ve been exposed to the culture and politics of their nations. I love the world you’ve built and hope to read more from it.
I think my favourite scene has to be the kiss in colluseum, althought it’s been so long since I’ve read it I don’t remember why they were kissing. Looking foward to re-reading it in ebook and print, whether I win the contest or not. =] (And by the way, I *love* the new cover! =])
Because I completely fell in love with Beraht and Dieter in the fanfics and I missed the original *slight pout*. Didn’t read any of the above btw.
I love your writing and this is your fav. baby as I understand it…So it must be even more wonderful than all your other things, right?
I loved the world that you showed in Bound *hugs digital copy of Bound* and from what I have picked up on the relationship of Beraht and Dieter, I’m very sure I will love Prisoner even more than Bound.
Oh.My.God …
Hmm, what enjoyed most ???
Beraht’s cussing of course π
Very original … π
ooooh…I really want to read this!!!! Im kinda new to Goodreads and while looking around for recommendations, “Prisoner” came up many times. I started looking for it but had no luck. Then a few days ago I saw a post in the slash pile about the book being published and Ive been on the look-out.
So yeah, pick me…pick me LOL
I love the whole scene in the Coliseum, from the encounter between Dieter and Benno to the transfer of the arcen to Dieter’s battles and his evident sense of honor. Dieter, surprisingly, is my favorite character; he is who he is, wholly, with no reservations. This was so much fun to read.
I have not read prisoner except for the ficbits on your website. I am a realitively new fan. I have purchasrd all of your e books and became a subscriber to Less than Three press Love your books !
If I win the book it’ll be the 3rd version I have XD I bought the lulu version and yesterday couldn’t resist and bought the new one xD
My favourite scene is when Dieter kiss Berath at the Coliseum. When I read it the first time I spent a good time laughing… The irony! XD
It’s really hard to pick a favorite character… though honestly, I’d probably have to go with Sol. ^^
Oh man, it’s been too long since I’ve read this story, but it’s one of my favorites. Great plot, awesome characters, beautiful character relationships… I could go on forever describing what I loved about this story. Let’s just say it was pure awesome. <3
Let's see… The one scene I remember was when Dieter "gave" Beraht the red arcen. It was unexpected and pure genius in my book. Then Beraht helped Dieter escape, which I thought was sweet. Proof they cared for each other. <3
I just can’t help but loving Dieter… from the glimpses of humanity (snerk) to the general badassery of hisself. Just love it.
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I had to give this some thought. I do love the scenes where Beraht learns the name of Dieter’s sword and confronts him about it. And reading the comments above, I am smiling at the coliseum scene, though I hadn’t thought of it right away (it does occur to me, reading Silrini’s comment, that someone could do a comic of Prisoner and the tone would be SO different, but it would still probably kick ass). Honestly, though, as awesome as Beraht and Dieter are, they aren’t my favorite characters.
Iah and Sol come pretty close. In some ways, they are my favorite. I love how they meet, I love who each of them is in the political landscape and how they are both defined by it and yet also reach out and around for more. I love the way you handled Iah’s blindness. And the trust they slowly-quickly build in one another and the way it is obvious almost from the start that they are quietly, perfectly meant to be. It is so understated next to the flash and violence of Beraht and Dieter. The contrast is wonderful. But I think that even they don’t quite win for my absolute favorite.
[And, oh, Benji. As someone else said, we really don’t get to ‘meet’ him, but we know him, and it is heartbreaking. ;_;]
[And do the seasons and the landscape and the religious systems and the freaking arcen count as characters?]
My favorite is actually Esta. Strong and beautiful, she holds her own in a strong male cast. I love her for who she is, but even more so, I love her for who you made her to be. Over and over as I read Prisoner for the first time, it was with a sense of awe and joy to find a fictional woman that I really liked, so very much, without exception. You have written several such women since Esta, and some I like even more than her. But I think she was the first female character I really liked in a long time, so for that, she gets to remain in a favorite spot for the book.
Okay, I’m lame, but I really do have to go with what other people are saying, which is when the name of Dieter’s sword is revealed. It’s a perfect moment.
I also remember the reveal about Dieter’s relationship to the Kaiser and his father’s plans. It’s sweet and creepy and tragic.
It’s been such a long time since I first read this story but I remember my heart skipping a beat the first time Dieter shares the name of his sword. So much love.
I can’t say what my favorite moment is, because the thing I liked most about Prisoner was more the build-up of the relationship between Dieter and Beraht. Oneshots are nice and sweet, but sometimes the journey is what I want to read, and sometimes the obstacles characters overcome to get where they are makes the story all the more sweet. As I first began to read to read Prisoner (and the first time I read it), I admit I didn’t care for Dieter’s attitude or Beraht’s snark, but I was drawn in so quickly by how their little imperfections became endearing/my favorite aspects of them and how it ultimately made them more wholesome characters (not to mention perfect for each other). I loved Iah and Sol too, but Dieter and Beraht will just always be THE couple in my eyes. They’re two very different parts of one whole who somehow have more in common than they’d likely admit π
I think the very end when Beraht chases Dieter down and demands to know what he named his sword and why is probably my favorite part. I know there were other parts that I liked too, but that one stands out the most. It was kinda like Beraht was hoping but didn’t want to admit, even to himself, and STILL can’t quite believe what he’s hearing. I dunno, it was just a really well done scene in my mind and it still gives me the “happy-romance-sigh” feeling when I think about it.
I’m really excited to read an updated version though! I have a copy of the red cover one from Lulu back when you first put it up, but changes and additions make me want to read the new version reeeeally bad.
My favorite character has to be Beraht, he’s so much a product of his upbring and culture and so very much himself in everything he does. He doesn’t care about being a hero or one of the elite he just wants his place to belong and will fight and kill unremosefully to keep it.
favorite scene? Beraht and Deiter any time their together, fighting, yelling or whatever. I love the play off between them.
I just love love love Dieter and Beraht, I don’t think I can love on them enough. To begin with they have the kind of chemistry that I always fall in love with, and I love how their relationship was drawn out and built up through the story.
My favorite scene is, of course, the tent scene. When Beraht doesn’t GET IT when Dieter hints at why he did it. And how Dieter is restless and angry with Beraht, but it’s more like he’s angry because he was really, truly worried about him. All of the subtle tension like how Dieter comments about Beraht’s eyes. And the “Because you are mine” line oh my goshhh, that line had me <333. I love this protective/possessive side of Dieter. I think I like it because we already know Dieter's motives, but Beraht just doesn't realize it. /very incoherent.
And then to follow up with this scene is the wonderful "aha" moment that Beraht gets when he finally realizes it all.
I also love how for the most part, we don't get into Dieter's head about his feelings for Beraht. <33
Omg the scene where Beraht thinks he has to shadowkill to save everyone from the Krians and Dieter comes to save his butt was one of my favorites.
I also loved the scene when Sol and Iah spend a moment together in the tub. It was touching and cute. That and when Iah first comes home and his sister is dismayed that she almost tripped her own brother and Sol swoops in to help guide him. <3
It'd be interesting if we could one day read about the Kaiser and Dieter's father– or just the moment the Kaiser kills Dieter's father because I think that would be a really heart-wrenching tale. π Kaiser Benno (I hope I'm not screwing up his name- I haven't read Prisoner in a while) would still be a dick in my book, but Dieter's father (did he have a name? I can't remember) intrigues me.
Oh man, I adore this book most out of all of yours. I’m torn because I already own the 1st deadtree copy, but I’d love to get the new version for the edits. Maybe once I’m no longer a broke grad student (which will hopefully be soon).
ANYWAYS, I haven’t read the book in a while now, but two scenes stand out in my head. Of course there’s the favourite scene at the end between Dieter and Beraht in the corridor when Beraht confronts Dieter about his sword name. But what I really like about it is how vulnerable Dieter was in the scene. I know, typical woman likes to see a vulnerable man, but that’s now why. He was such a strong bastard through the whole thing, and to see that break a bit, well, it was really moving.
But my ultimate favourite scene (?? Most memorable, anyways) was when Iah was first introduced, and then when he and Sol first meet and escape. It was such a terrible situation, and totally makes me tear up each time. LOVE IT. Probably because I do adore Iah. π
I love the scene when Beraht is weighing the orb in his hand and Dieter just knows that he wants to throw it at his head. Funniest scene in the whole story. I also love how often they end up in bed together.
Random Question: I know the Q&A from this past weekend is over, but a thought popped into my head. Who would Dieter and Beraht be if they were people in real life? – normal people, not generals and spies. What would they do for a living/hobbies? Where would they be live?
I love the pain of namelessness, the pain of being a nonentity, and the way Beraht struggles to be recognized, named, hated, loved–the way that Beraht tries to exist. I love the pain of notoriety, the pain of being known by everyone, being hated in your own country, the pain of having a name known to everyone and a self known to no one. I love that, in Beraht’s struggle to exist, he comes to know the true Dieter better than anyone, and that, before they know each other at all, Dieter gives Beraht a name, an existence, a life worth living.
I love that, even when they hate each other, they complete on another.
I love that, even though I make it sound trite and cheesy, you make their story into something breathtakingly original, beautiful, and meaningful.
I also adore the rest of the characters, and I’m not quite sure that Beraht and Dieter are my favorites among them. But they are certainly the ones that stick out most in my mind.
Another character who made rather a deep impression on me is Benji, whose voice we hear only briefly and as a faint whisper under the call of the magic itself. I don’t know if its horror, pity, sadness, or some combination of them, but Benji is one of the characters that I remember best.
I love Beraht, even though Dieter is a bastard a lot of the time, Beraht isn’t cowed by him, and snarks back!
My favorite scene is where Beraht realizes that Dieter has named his sword. π
I’ve been wanting to read Prisoner since forever, but never got to. I’ve read the ficbits over and over, and I own Bound. I’ve read the tiny hints in Bound and wish desperately that I could have read Prisoner. Bound’s kinda like a tease, giving hints to what Prisoner’s about and leaving me wanting for more. And I love Kria, so very very much and want to read how everything began!
The ficbits are driving me insane too. The hints of what happens afterwards, how Dieter and Beraht got together, their love for each other (even though Beraht doesn’t want to say anything).
Hm, it’s a real toss-up between the scene at the end, where Beraht storms out of the party to follow corner Dieter, or the scene at the Coliseum where the Kaiser’s being all smarmy and ‘any last wishes?’, and Dieter’s like, ‘actually, yes. *YOINK*’ and Beraht’s all ‘woah, WTF are you doing oh hey that’s pretty clever there’ and then Dieter kicks ass, all day long. Heeeeell yeah.
Actually, no, I like the second scene more. That scene made me smile and, now that I think about it, really symbolizes their relationship to me. Dieter being all close-mouthed and not telling anyone his plan (what with his mouth being full of arcen), and Beraht being ‘hey what the hell are you doing oh. That’s actually a good plan. NOT THAT I’M GOING TO TELL YOU THAT. I DON’T SHOW MY GRATITUDE/AFFECTION THAT WAY. Instead lemme just grab your sword here, kay?’. And of course, all this while Dieter’s in the background being a BAMF. Wow long comment is long. Imma shut up now.
Ooh, I want to read this because I read the beginning on livejournal a really long time ago, but haven’t reread it since you published it, and that was awesome and so were the drabbles you’ve written in Prisoner ‘verse since then. It’s been a while since I’ve read your works, but they were lovely.
My favorite seen is where Beraht steals the key from Dieter and ask him “who’s the prisoner?” I love turnabout. My favorite character is either Sol or Dieter.
Definitely my favorite character is Iah, who has my eternal love for being so sweet and yet so strong. However, my favorite scene doesn’t really include him.
My favorite scene in the whole book, and the one that always always makes me want to reach out and hug them, is the dancing scene near the end, in the Illusor palace. Where Beraht keeps looking for Dieter almost unconsciously and Dieter is staring at him being an intense creeper because… well, to me it’s the scene that finally, REALLY shows how much the two care for each other in their own ways. It’s been a bumpy and weird and messed-up ride, and this is the beginning of the resolution between them and the tension that’s been building up the whole time. It’s just so THEM, the reactions at the end when Beraht finds out the name of his sword, and Dieter’s intense “I don’t care about this party but /stares at Beraht” because it’s… i dunno. It’s perfect. It’s them. I love it <3
The prerequisite ending scene with Dieter and Beraht of course =P but my favorite has to be the scenes with Iah’s point of view. I like how everything gets described, and how (especially in the beginning) he talks about Sol’s voice. They are such awesome characters.
My favorite character is Beraht. I have two favorite scenes. One is in the coliseum and the other, like many other people, is when Beraht asks the name of Dieter’s sword.
The scene when Beraht finds out that Dieter named his sword Bright. And, of course, the confrontation. Every time I read my favorite parts, that’s the first one.
Oh, you know, everything is pretty awesome. My favorites parts are, naturally, whenever Dieter and Beraht snark at each other. Uh, and this part specifically, which I even saved because I loved it so much:
Beraht hefted it thoughtfully β he bet with a good throw he could dent even Dieterβs head.
He glanced up. βDonβt even think about,β Dieter said.
Beraht lifted a brow. βI have no idea what youβre talking about.β
My favourite character is Iah which makes it a bit ironic that my favourite scene isn’t one about him but actually the one which takes place after Dieter rescues Berath when he got captured while trying to assassinate Krian generals.
(Which is turn is followed by by next favourite scene which is the one where Berath learns the name of Dieters sword! )
I want to give it a try because I’ve read and liked a lot of your books, and this one comes highly recommended so I’m very excited.
Not sure if I can enter the drawing (I’m outside the US), but, since I’m waiting for the print version anyway, I thought it was worth giving it a try.
Definitely when Beraht asks Dieter the name of his sword and Dieter’s response to him. Love the exchange between them there!
The scene that has always stayed with me is actually from Prisoner. It’s at the end where Esta wonders about Beraht’s name and tells him that Dieter has named his sword Bright. And of course what follows, when Beraht confront Dieter. ^__~
I haven’t read Prisoner yet, but I mostly want to because I’ve read the ficbits and decided that Dieter and Beraht are absolutely fascinating, the world’s pretty fleshed-out and fascinating, and also Dieter because he needs to be mentioned twice. :B
Also I’m just really excited about this in general, so it’s hard to pin down any one thing I’m excited about.
My favourite character is Beraht (I love Dieter too!). He has totally stolen my heart. *_____*
The scene in the hall at the end of the book, of course. You make us wait the whole novel, and that’s a lot of glorious buildup. Specifically, this line always stuck with me: “He’d always hated the way Dieter said his name because of the mockery in it. There had been no mockery this time, and that made it devastating.”
I know I’m not eligible, but I’m still going to share. That one, tiny little scene after Beraht Breaks. It’s short and sweet, but so utterly encompasses Dieter & Beraht’s relationship.
Also, the scene in the tent. ^_^
BTB, potential spoilers for all those who haven’t read it, but wish to leave comments for their chance to win it.