As in, because of my wisdom teeth I am giving a book away, not I am trying to give someone my wisdom teeth ^__^
Because I appreciate everyone putting up with my bitching while I’ve been wanting to remove my teeth with pliers, and because over next weekend I’ll be doing little but reading ebooks while I recover (though I’m hoping to be more the ‘recover in a day or two’ type rather than ‘take all weekend’ type), I am giving away an ebook of choice from my back catalog at LT3.
The Details
1. To enter, just leave a comment on this post (on the website, not where this will xpost).
2. One entry per person
3. Winner can choose any book from my back catalog at LT3. Upcoming releases do not count (that’s a different contest). Is there a book you’ve been wanting, but keep putting off? A book you’ve been dithering on? Here’s your chance!
4. Winner will be randomly chosen Friday, Sept 2 at 12:00 EST
Boston Creme pie helps. My entire family had to go through wisdom teeth removal…
Maybe you’ll be one of the “recover in a few hours” type. A classmate of mine got his teeth removed and then came to school right afterwards, seemingly happy and ok. o.o
Anywho, I’m totally in for the contest!
My dentist sent me home with my wisdom teeth (still kind of bloody) in a little envelope when I got mine pulled. I cleaned and polished them because I thought I’d do something stupid (?) like drill holes in them and make a necklace or earrings or something (What can I say? I was young.), but then…I didn’t. I’m still not sure why.
So! This is just to say that there is no need for you to give me your wisdom teeth, I’ve still got my own somewhere around here… 😀
And hurrah for the ebook giveaway! Maybe my teeth will bring me luck?
I really hope you’ll feel better soon. Dental problems are among my worse fears and I know getting my wisdom teeth out had to be one of the most horrendous things to have happened to me. Thank you so much for being awesome about the whole thing and even throwing in a giveaway as a big F*you to the pain and misery the failure of human evolution has inflicted upon you. You are strong. You will not lose to the suckiness that is wisdom teeth extraction. You are my hero.
Hang in there and good luck!
Ice cream to soothe the swelling! I like how your thought process goes from wisdom teeth to ebook giveaway. Thanks for organizing the latter!
Ugh, wisdom teeth. I had one removed. There were extra problems with it before they yanked it out, but luckily it healed pretty quickly. Now I have an appointment for root canal tomorrow and it’s been an ongoing project since spring. I really hope it’ll be all done this time.
Get well soon and thanks for the giveaway!
Oh gods, wisdom teeth. Hell, teeth in general are nasty, nasty things D:
I hope it gets better soon! Thank you for the contest, and for being your awesome self even when you’re in so much pain and distress.
Get plenty of rest and recover, I’ll send you postitive energy through the air ^^
I am going to go MEMMEME! I want in because is not often there is a book giveaway that is tied with tooth extraction 🙂 Hope the pain goes away and complications do not come along 😀
hope you get better soon. As a wit said Some tortures are physical, some tortures are mental. The ne that is both is dental!’.
ps : please count me in on the raffle, s’il vous plait.
hope you get better soon! Some wit truly said ‘Some tortures are physical, some tortures are mental. The one that is both is dental!’
ps : count me in on the raffle, s’il vous plait.
Oh! I hate dental dramas. I’ve got receding gums… From brushing too hard D:
I’ve heard how terrifying it could be to get your wisdoms pulled out. And how afterwards, you can’t stop poking the hole in your gums with your tongue o.o Most of my friends got theirs pulled out. And being a total bitch, I’d poke their swollen cheeks. Hope mine never grow out. The karma then D:
Also heard about the liquid diet. Me and my friends are asian so we eat congee. Maybe you could make congee! 😀 Anyways, GOOD LUCK! Hope you recover fast. And thanks for making the giveaway! 🙂
It feels like your teeth have been being horrible to you for ages and ages! I hope your recovery goes smoothly. Don’t worry about the bitching, that’s what blogs are for :3 It’s sweet of you to have a giveaway. ^^ I never seem to win these things, but hey 😀
Not to be a creeper, but if you were giving away your teeth I would be all over that shit. I’m a forensic anthro student and when my friends had their wisdom teeth out I collected them to check for dental anomalies.
G’luck with the surgery, I hope your extraction is nice and easy and whatever drugs they give you afterwards work well.
Honestly, it’s what the drugs will do to me that scares me. I don’t care about the surgery itself. I don’t like that I have to be knocked out, and I don’t like that I’m going to be loopy and not entirely in control of myself when I come out of it. Pretty much reduces me to tears (but apparently everyone thinks I’ll be hilarious at that stage, so maybe I’m just overstressing).
Thank you thank you!
I hope you get some good drugs. I had this stupid little pill, and I wasn’t fully sedated (and they had to crack one of my teeth in half to remove it). I won’t go into more details, though, because I was the anomaly and totally not the norm.
Oh I do hope your cheeks don’t blow up into acorn-stuffed chipmunk cheeks, mostly because your roommates will probably be as cruel as my friend who baby-sat me (and conspired with my Mom) during the time, and take lots of mean pictures. Jerks. 😀
Best wishes for the surgery and speedy recovery! Enjoy your ebooks! (And hopefully I will too! *crosses fingers*)
Oh, wisdom teeth…. actually, when the time comes to get ’em out, soon probably, I’m more worried about what the drugs will do to me.
Yay, for Raffles (and sort of yay for widsom teeth?)! I hope the recovery goes smoothly for you.
Ee I hope you feel better soon! I’ve heard so many stories about wisdom teeth that I hope mines never grow. ;_;
I empathize, because I had to have all four taken out (they were growing horizontally instead of vertically…).
At least they give you good drugs!
Hopefully your recovery will be as good as mine was. I just got my bottom two wisdom teeth out the beginning of the summer, so enjoy all the cold, soft foods! ^__^
I feel bad… my dentist when I was little said mine would need to be removed, but then we discovered a developing overbite that braces and another device that readjusted my jaw fixed by moving my lower jaw forward to even things out. That created more room for my wisdom teeth and thus, they remain.
Hey, I would also like to join in.
And to stay with the topic: luckily I only need to remove two wisdom teeth, because the other two are somewhere behind my eyes. ^^
Evolution is sometimes really strange…
Good luck with the surgery! I’d like to enter the raffle, and I’m definitely glad to hear you’ll be getting things fixed and healing up soon.
If only humans would evolve so there weren’t wisdom teeth altogether… would save a lot of time, pain, and trouble. I still have three of mine to be removed, so I’m not looking forward to that after all you’ve been through. Read porn and grit your teeth! Okay, maybe not your teeth.
Well, it’s a good thing you’re not giving away your wisdom teeth, as I already have 4. But I would definitely take a book! <3
I hope you recover soon! Wisdom teeth are dicks. >| Hopefully you won’t need to have portions of jawbone removed to get them out, though.
Yeah, I’ve been putting off getting my wisdom teeth out. I just don’t understand why I can’t keep them. The more teeth the better, right? Probably not, but that’s what I’m going with. Well done you brave soul, for sucking it up and pulling them out.
Good luck, hopefully yours aren’t too bad. The drugs made my sister keep laughing and saying she looked like a chipmunk. Good times had by all
Count me in!!! Good luck with your wisdom teeth. I had mine out a few weeks ago and I was back on solid food in 24 hrs. Hope you have as good of luck. =)
Hope the surgery goes well! My bf’s brother got his pulled and watching him after the surgery was fun :3 make sure Nikerymis video tapes you >.>
When you’re all better I’ll send you a batch of cookies if you like.
Wow, your experience with the wisdom teeth has been terrible. Mine are just starting to emerge and Im aready scared, not least of all with my husband saying I will have to bear the pain for awhile as it is part of the process. He is a dentist, and that is so not reassuring!
Ouch, I’m glad I got knocked out for my wisdom teeth removal… and that I was born without wisdom teeth on the top of my mouth.
Feel better soon! Thanks for making a contest for us!
Ouch, best of luck with the teeth. I was lucky in that I had no swelling and no pain, but I know others who were not as lucky.
And the raffle is rather exciting!! ^_^
Woo contest time~
Also, on the plus side of getting your wisdom teeth removed, you get to eat a bunch of ice cream…You also get to wear this ridiculous looking, ice head sling-thing that catches everything that dribbles down your face because you are too numb to feel anything going into your mouth. My wisdom teeth problem wasn’t nearly has bad as yours seems to be but I’m pretty sure you’ll get the head sling-thing too~
Good luck with the surgery! 😀
Good luck with the surgery! A bunch of my friends didn’t even get chipmunk cheeks; I hope yours goes as well, and that you feel better quickly. Also, thank you for the contest!
Good luck with the teeth! Hope you feel better quickly once they are out!
Holiday Treats counts :3 If it has my name on it, even just as part of an anthology, I will count it ^_^
I hope you will feel better soon. Good luck with wisdom teeth and everything else.
My wisdom teeth are bothering me for about 20 years now. Not all the time, just about every year or so I have this pain for two or three days that starts with my first wisdom tooth through another and ends with the 4th. Then it’s over. I don’t know why I never did anything about it. I probably hoped that they will be out after a few years and it will be over, and now I’m just used to it. Well..
Rest and recover.
Hey! I would like to enter for the contest? Looks like your mouth finally got fixed, huh? Well, wish me luck!
I think the only thing of yours I don’t have is the Holiday Treats anthology, which I’m not sure is eligible for this contest, but I’ll answer anyway on the off chance that it is. Hope your teeth don’t give you too much grief.
Oh, ouch. I hope you’ll recover quickly from getting them pulled. I guess you could consider me lucky, since my mouth is so tiny my wisdom teeth can’t grow in or anything, so no surgery for me. Have fun at YaoiCon and I hope you and the others get SMOTHERED in fan love!
Yay! I will a peep at yaoicon ^__^ Food and presents are also good, I really hope I can slip away from the con long enough to eat at one! <3
I’m hoping that you feel better, and that one day I can empathize (my wisdom teeth are coming in, hoping I don’t get an infection before I get them pulled)
Also: hope to give you a present at yaoi-con. Not even the blazing sun of phoenix will keep me from my San Francisco. (I can point you to some good/cheap restaurants.)
I don’t know, if I were you, I think I’d be looking for somebody to take my wisdom teeth for me and just get them out of my mouth… 🙂 Hope all goes well and you feel better very soon!
Good luck with the tooth! I know when I had my wisdom teeth removed, by day three, all I craved was protein. Because of course, all the soft food is sugar and carbs. Hence getting up at 5am and eating a can of tuna just because it was the only thing soft enough that was protein. Best tuna I ever ate.
Rest and recover.
I just had my wisdom teeth out (impacted, in bone, all 4) a few days ago so I’m on board the pain train with you. I’m glad you’re able to get this resolved since it seems like they’ve really been a problem for you. Good luck with the surgery! I would love to enter the raffle.
Thank you!
15 days? X_X Jeez, I’ll stop bitching now. Go you for not killing somebody, cause I would so be typing this from lockup right now :3
Thank you thank you thank you ^______^ My readers always make me smile on a bad day! <3
Hello there, sorry about the teeth, I went through something similar with mine (apparently it was really close to a nerve and when they took it out they touched it or hurt it someway, and alas, I spend 15 days unable to speak or open my mouth more than an inch)and paid a pretty penny for it too, but what can you do….
That said… OMG OMG OMG, I totally love you and your books and your characters and the worlds you create (seriously having fangirl moment here)…. anyway… I really like your stuff, sometimes they make an awful horrible day into something a little bit better and sometimes they just make you smile or laugh so much that people start to look at you funny… so thank you so much for that…
Hopes your teeth don’t bother to much and you recover super fast and without any complications
You know, you’re a darling for doing this! Considering how much pain you are in most of the time, you manage to keep it civilized real well! *hugs* (if that’s allowed!)
I do hope the wisdom teeth will stop torturing you soon (as in leave your mouth).
I’d like to enter the raffle.
And good luck with your wisdom teeth and future lack thereof.
So, time to actually take part in one of these! I really do hope you feel better soon, because I remember how horrible my wisdom teeth were and yours sound like they’re about… 10000 times worse. And thank you for, even while being in massive amounts of pain and trying to cope with medication, still being really, really awesome and keeping us updated and even making a contest!